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Innumerable tragedies have beleaguered rural Afghans throughout the past decades of conflict - perpetual violence, oppression of women, and crushing poverty have all contributed to the Hobbesian nature of life in the Afghan countryside. Also she too may be struggling with no one to talk too.With the looming withdrawal of NATO troops and a persistent insurgent threat, Afghanistan is in a precarious position. I am not trying to make excuses for anyone but if your sister has information to share and some stuff may shock you, you may have a better understanding of what has happened. There is a lot out there that parents don't talk about. your mom fondling you is a sign too here, dad showing her his penis? I don't think your sister turned your parents into this incest pattern, it was probably with the parents first for whatever reason.

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I am thinking your sister may have been the first victim of incest. You said your sister was to blame for a lot of sexual issues in the house, sounds like there is more here. They are too young to understand right from wrong really and only know that there brain is telling them to do things (urges). I do know that children can be manipulated by others into exposing themselves and more and then when they stop the child sometimes cannot and they keep repeating things whether it be exposing themselves or touching themselves or others. So, all of the kids viewed his penis and more during this training period and I am not aware if any of them are scarred by this or not. (yes he got her pregnant most every year.) All of the older kids were cheering him on (boys and girls) ages 5-13.

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I once went to a home where my friend had 8 children and his youngest (son) was potty training in the middle of the living room on one of those potty training chairs. A lot of girls end up taking care of there younger brothers or sisters at times and imagine they have seen them naked lots of times when they were young. I think it is near impossible that children will go through there childhood and never see a naked person, whether it be a sibling or parent. If you ask her she might tell you of other things happened that she remembers. I don't know if that was the beginning of other things happening to her or not. Well, there is some exposure right there.

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Posts: 595 Joined: Mon 4:49 am Local time: Sat 1:14 pm Blog: View Blog (0) However, I feel like my sister's behavior prior to that had created a sexually charged atmosphere in the family which I became the biggest victim of. It wasn't long after that when my mother started fondling and grabbing my butt which I also got erections from and that went on for 5 years before I finally stood up to my mother and told her that what she was doing was incest molestation. I felt powerless and ashamed at getting erections from looking at her. I was just a kid so I couldn't resist looking. During the summer she would tan topless on our deck. My bedroom was right across the hall from hers so I could see everything. An example: She would try on clothes and get undressed with her bedroom door still open. I feel like she intentionally tried to sexually arouse me to have power over me. She behaved in exhibitionist ways around the house. I grew up with a sister who was 5 years older than me (when I was 12 she was 17).

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